By Ann Douglas
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Captain speaking,"
said the strong male voice over the cabin intercom.
"We're about to start our approach into Los Angeles
International and should have you on the ground in
about twenty minutes."
"On the ground in 20 minutes," Kelly thought as she
stared out the tiny window at the countryside rushing
by below, ignoring the Captain's comments on the
weather and such. "And then a three hour layover until
I catch the 6:30 to San Diego."
The 39 year old redhead sighed as she thought of the
long wait in an airport lounge with absolutely nothing
better to do but watch people come and go. Of course
she could go over her presentation one more time, but
she really figured that an even dozen times in the last
two days had been enough.
"Forget about inflight movies," She said to herself as
her seatbelt closed with a snap. "They should have a
theater or two in the airport so that people could kill
a few hours."
Originally, the layover in Los Angeles was going to be
the best part of her trip. Her Internet lover,
Michelle, lived up near Oakland. When she had first
learned she was going out to the West Coast to
personally present the new marketing campaign she had
helped develop, Kelly had seized at the opportunity to
fulfill a person desire on her stop over here. San
Francisco or Oakland would've been better, but the
tickets had been bought for L.A. before she had even
been given the assignment.
According to her original plan, Kelly was going to have
a full day here and Michelle was going to make the
drive down from Oakland. The two woman had never
actually met, but had been exchanging emails and gifts
for a few months now.
Kelly was an up and coming advertising executive for a
New York firm. On the fast track for a Vice President's
slot, this trip was going to be a feather in her cap.
5'3" with short dark red hair, the first thing most men
took in upon meeting her was her 38 inch bust. It
usually put them off guard and Kelly was just
aggressive enough to take advantage of their
distraction. By the time they learned there was a lot
more to her than just a big set of boobs, she had
usually passed them on the ladder to the VP's chair.
Michelle on the other hand was 32 and a career military
woman. A Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy, she was
as aggressive in her own field as Kelly was in hers.
She had bucked the boy's club mentality and flew multi-
million dollar jets for a living. Currently she was
stationed at the Alameda Naval Air Station up near
Both women were married, both were mothers with small
children. And both had discovered in the last few
years, an interested in other women.
They had met one night on the Internet when Kelly
responded to a note Michelle had posted on a bi
newsgroup. The fact that they lived on opposite sides
of the country just gave them the freedom to be totally
honest with each other in their almost daily
correspondence. The friendship had developed quickly.
Within an hour of learning that she was going to make
the presentation herself instead of Bill Sullivan, her
immediate superior, Kelly had fired off an email to
Michelle. They quickly worked out a plan were as
Michelle would take a 48 hour leave and meet her in Los
Angeles. Then they would have a full night and day
Then a lousy twist of fate intervened in the form of
one Janice Zimmerman. Janice was the pencil pushing
travel budget coordinator at Kelly's firm. Known as
"old nickels and dimes", she took great delight in
trying to find new ways to save even a few dollars, no
matter what the inconvenience to the traveler.
The pleasure she got from her discoveries, and the
chaos they caused the unfortunate traveler seemed to be
almost sexual in nature at times. At least that had
always been Kelly's impression. It was probably the
nosy old biddy's only such enjoyment.
So it was that Janice took great delight in changing
Kelly's travel plans so that she had to fly to San
Diego tonight instead of tomorrow. In doing so, the
company would save fifty dollars on air fare and a
whole nights hotel accommodations. Their clients had no
problem moving up the meeting a day and Janice had
further booked Kelly on a flight home tomorrow that
would mean she would have to go right from the
presentation to the airport. This would save another
night of hotel expenses. The fact that Kelly would be
totally exhausted by the end of this two day marathon
didn't really factor into the equation.
Kelly could still see the excited gleam in Janice's
eyes as she devastated her plans. It was almost taken
as an article of faith in the office that Kelly had a
hand in the scandal that resulted in the sudden firing
of Bill Sullivan a few days before. In truth, she had
nothing to do with the anonymous phone call that had
led the night security guard to Bill's office late
Friday. Of course, she wasn't sorry that he had been
caught screwing one of the college interns on the
couch. No, she hadn't made the call, but had she known
about the tryst, she wouldn't have hesitated to have
made it.
As she felt the wheels bounce on the hard concrete of
the runway, Kelly against cursed the fact that her
chance to finally meet Michelle was slipping out of her
fingers. The Navy Officer had told her that even if she
broke every speed limit on the way down here, she
wouldn't arrive until just before Kelly had to leave.
As much as she wanted to finally meet her in person,
the Ad Exec wasn't selfish enough to ask her to drive
all the way down here just to wave good-bye.
As people all around Kelly took to the aisles and began
to gather up their belongings, she just continued to
stare out the window. It wasn't like she had to hurry
to make her next connection. Then, with only a few
other people left onboard, she got up and removed her
carry-on bag from the overhead compartment.
The flight attendant gave her a pretty smile as she
thanked her for flying Southwest Air. Kelly smiled back
at the young blonde, wondering if she'd like to help
her kill a few hours. A silly thought really. Even on
the remote chance that the tan suited woman was also
into girls, the ground crews were already loading food
and fuel onto the plane for their next flight. She
would be out of here and on her way long before the New
Yorker was.
Savoring the idle thought of how the flight attendant
would've looked in a skimpy red bra and panties, Kelly
exited the cabin and walked down the long passageway
into the terminal.
"Guess I'll get something to eat." Kelly said to
herself as she strolled down the walkway, ignoring the
many people around her. "Although I can't imagine the
food being any better here than on the plane."
Lost in thought and oblivious to her surroundings,
Kelly didn't notice the short haired blonde woman she'd
just walked past.
"Hi stranger," The blonde said with a smile. "Buy a
lady a drink?"
Then the woman leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
Caught off guard, Kelly jumped back. The look of alarm
on her face quickly changed to astonishment as she
focused on the woman who had kissed her.
"Michelle!" She exclaimed.
Standing 5'6" with blonde hair and baby blue eyes,
Michelle was wearing a sleeveless cotton blouse- and
matching shorts. The thin material of her shirt and the
tight fit of her shorts outlined the well-defined
muscles of her calves and arms. A well tanned body
showed that she was an outdoor person who loved to soak
up the desert sun.
Smiling ear to ear, blushing just a little, the younger
woman held out a small bouquet of flowers to her
Internet friend.
"These are for you, Kelly" She said quietly. "I can't
tell you how much your letters have meant to me over
the last three months. I looked forward to them every
day. Thanks for being my friend, you're really someone
Taking the roses in hand, Kelly finally found her
"But how...? You said that it was impossible for you to
drive down in time." Kelly stammered, still a little
shocked by Michelle's sudden appearance.
"Honey, I'm a Naval Aviator." She laughed in a deep
rich voice. "We don't drive.....we fly!"
Michelle explained how she had hitched a ride on a
transport flight and had only arrived a half hour ago.
"This is wonderful!" Kelly beamed. At least we'll be
able to have dinner together."
A wicked smile appeared on Michelle's face. She stared
at the beauty of her cyberlover's face and quickly lost
herself in the richness of her deep brown eyes.
"I had something a little better than dinner in mind."
The Navy Officer quipped.
With that, the taller woman led Kelly down the corridor
and through a locked door that read "Security Only."
"Were are we going?" Kelly asked curiously.
"The Security Chief for the airport is a Reserve
Officer and a friend of mine." Michelle said as she
closed and locked the door behind them. "He had a small
office that he converted into an apartment some time
back. A place where he could rest up during emergency
situations. It's not the Hilton but it sure beats a cot
in the storage room."
Michelle continued as they proceeded up a long flight
of stairs.
"I called him yesterday and explained that I had a
rather special friend passing through here today and
I'd really like to be able to spend some private time
with them." She said as they reached the top of the
stairs and Michelle unlocked yet another door. "Since
you only had a few hours, heading out to one of the
local motels was out of the question. He immediately
offered me the use of his apartment."
As she stepped into the rather spacious room, Kelly
wondered if Michelle had mentioned that her special
friend was another woman. Given the military's rather
silly obsession with same sex relationships, she
guessed she hadn't.
"Here we are, home sweet home." Michelle pronounced
with a sweep of her arm. "At least for the next couple
of hours."
Taking a good look around the room, Kelly couldn't help
but be impressed. The Hilton it might not of been, but
it sure as hell had the Holiday Inn beat by a mile.
"We've got champagne, various appetizers and such."
Michelle said as she gently placed her hands on Kelly's
arms. "But first, something I've wanted to do for the
longest time."
Pulling Kelly tight against her, Michelle kissed her
again. This time it was full on the lips. Kelly
responded quickly to the warm, soft pressure against
her lips, and the taste of Michelle's tangy red
lipstick. Opening her mouth as she felt the tickle of
Michelle's tongue against it, Kelly drew it inside her.
"Mmmmm," Michelle purred as tongue found tongue.
The reality of countless night's dreams brought a warm
feeling to both women. Kelly felt a soft touch against
her breast as Michelle slipped her fingers beneath the
folds of her blouse.
"Let's get more comfortable." Michelle said as she
kissed her a second time.
Slowly, the two women began undressing each other,
continuing to stroke and kiss as they did. Michelle
quickly lost her blouse and shorts, displaying an
perfect tan that continued even beneath her
undergarments. Nude sunbathing was a passion with her.
If you wanted to enjoy the kiss of the sun, why let a
few silly scraps of cloth get in the way.
Kelly had been wearing a blue blazer with matching
blouse and skirt, very conservative and business like.
Michelle was more than eager to help her out of the
jacket, running her hand across the outline of her
breasts. The soft motion was enough to cause the
quarter size aureoles to shrink and harden, exciting
Michelle even more. She considered ripping it open in a
burst of passion, but the idea that any other clothing
Kelly might have had was locked away in her luggage
finally prevailed.
Filled with excitement, Michelle quickly unbuttoned the
blouse and in one quick snap, unfastened the Victoria
Secret's black lace bra her favorite spot out in the
desert and taught her wonderful feeling you got from
frolicking au natural.
"Let just me get the rest of this off you." Michelle
said in a commanding voice.
The authority in her tone and her willing reaction to
it took Kelly by surprise. She wasn't used to taking
orders, especially from another woman. Her bisexual
experiences had been with women more or less her own
age. The first had been after a long endless night
working on a report when she had been guided into the
pleasures of girl-sex by her administrative assistant.
It had been an eye-opening experience.
Yet in the end, she was somewhat relieved when Donna
had quit to take a job with another company. Kelly's
world might not have been as oppressive as Michelle's
regarding lesbianism, but it wasn't that open either.
She wouldn't loose her job over being exposed, but it
would certainly bar her from the vice president's
office. After Donna, all of her affairs had been far
from the office and usually with women who had as much
to loose as she did.
What really surprised Kelly was that she was actually
enjoying a submissive role for a change. Usually she
had to exert her dominance in every aspect of her life,
but she could feel the energy in the woman undressing
her. It excited her and she wanted to just see where it
would take her.
In no time at all, Michelle had undressed both Kelly
and herself. Kelly watched with approval as the Navy
Officer had carefully placed her traveling suit over
the back of a chair, careful not to wrinkle the
clothing. At least she was considerate enough to
realize that she could hardly show up in San Diego in
crumpled clothes. Deals had fallen through over less.
Michelle couldn't keep her hands off Kelly's huge
breasts. Once, while she was pregnant, her own breasts
had been close to this size, but had shrunk back to
normal afterwards. Still, one does what they can with
what they have. She gently caressed Kelly's mounds with
her hands and swirling fingers, making imaginary
circles around the now swollen nipples. Her soft touch
excited Kelly greatly, her nipples had always been
extra sensitive. Michelle could hear her lover's
breathing began to quicken, causing the blonde's own
juices to collect between her legs.
Her tongue replaced her hands and like a babe, she
pulled the large nipples deep into her hungry mouth.
Strong fingers kneaded the abundant flesh, playing an
erotic symphony on Kelly's body.
Kelly reached out with her own slender fingers and
played with Michelle's breasts in turn. Truth be told,
she actually wished she had mounds like that, having
always believed that hers were oversized. She lifted up
each breast to her mouth and ran her tongue across the
stiff and tanned nipples and kissed each in turn. This
sent little shivers of pleasure across Michelle's
In response, Michelle slid one hand down across Kelly's
thigh and between her legs, delighting in the deep
wetness she found there. Skillfully massaging the
stubby clit she found there, she began to steer Kelly
toward her first orgasm. A single finger became two,
then three. They slid in and out faster and faster,
adding fuel to the fire that raged deep inside.
Kelly continued to work on Michelle's breasts, kissing,
teasing, and biting them over and over. The
conflagration that radiated from her own womanhood made
her more and more aggressive. She began to heave back
and forth as she felt her first small orgasm, the
wetness of which covered Michelle's fingers.
With her free hand, Michelle jerked Kelly's head back
and kissed her forcefully, sucking the force of Kelly's
orgasm into her. Her tongue pressed firmly against
Kelly's. The kisses continued, becoming softer, longer
and much wetter. There were few things Michelle loved
more than sharing French-kisses with another woman, and
from the response, Kelly shared the passion.
Now it was Kelly's turn. She led Michelle back to the
large bed, the size of which made it obvious that
Michelle's friend used it for a lot more that a quick
nap. She spread her long muscular legs wide and
immediately dropped her head between them. Kelly had
been delighted to see that Michelle had indeed kept her
pussy as bare as a teenage girl's as she had mentioned
in her emails. She had never been with a woman who
shaved her hair, it was an immense turn-on.
Michelle moaned as she felt the soft wetness of Kelly's
tongue as it slid up and into her love canal. Hitting
all the right spots, she began to drive the younger
woman up the ridges of her own climax. It wasn't long
before Michelle's heart was racing and the same
electrical surges that Kelly had felt a short time
before now ravaged her own body.
Grabbing the back of Kelly's head with her powerful
hands, Michelle pulled her deeper between her legs. So
forceful was her grip that Kelly couldn't even catch
her breath. Not that she cared at the moment. All that
concerned her was the small trickle of juices that she
was eagerly lapping up with the tip of her tongue. A
trickle that she knew would soon be a flood.
She didn't have long to wait as Michelle's naked form,
covered with sweat, began to buck and quake. The larger
woman let out a loud cry of joy as she exploded in and
across Kelly's mouth. Kelly would've joined in the
shout but she was too busy lapping up her reward.
"Oh God, that was great," Michelle panted as the two
woman laid side by side.
The two spent long minutes just silently kissing and
licking each other clean. No further words were shared,
just an occasional shared laughter.
Finally, looking up at the large 18 inch clock on the
wall, the military woman noted that they had already
been at it for over a half hour. Time was running so
Kelly meanwhile was oblivious to the passage of time,
she was having to much fun. She never realized how good
it could feel to just let someone else take control,
even if just for a little while.
"I've got a little surprise for you." Michelle laughed
as she reached under the bed and pulled out her flight
Kelly watched, first in fascination, then in shock, as
Michelle produced a large 9" dildo from the dark blue
bag. In her own luggage, she kept a smaller vibrator,
but nothing like this. It was the strap on kind, and it
was obvious that Michelle planned to wear it.
"I don't know about this..." Kelly said with more than
a touch of hesitation in her voice.
"Didn't you say in your emails that it's always been
your fantasy to be fucked by a monster cock?" Michelle
asked as she jumped back onto the bed. "How you always
dreamed about it but would never do it with a man other
than your husband."
Kelly bit down on her lower lips as she studied the
formidable rubber phallic. It had been her fantasy to
be totally ravaged at least once in her life. She loved
her husband, she really did. Yet sometimes she so much
wanted something more than his 7" in her.
"I guess that sometimes you can fantasize about
something knowing it's never going to happen, that way
its a safe obsession," came her reply.
"All right." Michelle said, a little disappointed.
"I'll just put this away then."
"Wait...." Kelly said, taking the time to measure her
words. "I'd really like to try it... honestly."
The look of disappointment on Michelle's face instantly
turned to joy. It resembled nothing else if not that of
the cat that ate the canary. She quickly secured the
straps of her artificial manhood around and between her
legs. She held out her hand to Kelly and guided her to
the floor, it was always more fun down there.
She again started with kisses, first her cheeks, then
her mouth. She continued down her body, taking the time
to once again enjoy the fullness of Kelly's breasts.
Eventually she reached her still moist mound,
glistening with shiny droplets of her earlier eruption.
Spreading her cunt lips, Michelle wasted no time in
exploring the inner reaches of her new lover's
sexuality. The scent of their recent sex filled her
nostrils as much as the taste of it filled assaulted
her tongue. Michelle took a firm grip on Kelly's
buttocks and pulled her closer.
"Oh yes..." Kelly said as the frequency of Michelle's
withdrawals and re-insertions increased with each
passing moment.
Michelle continued with her oral ministrations, always
aware of the ticking of the clock above her. And with
each passing minute, Kelly's moans became louder and
louder. Michelle was pleased that she was having such
an effect on her lover, but was becoming concerned that
someone might hear her. True, they were in a private
section of the terminal, but there were still workers
in the building. What if someone heard them and decided
to investigate?
"Not so loud!" Michelle commanded as she paused for a
moment. "We don't want to draw company."
Kelly nodded in agreement and obeyed for a few minutes.
But finally the wet, moist tongue buried inside her
cause her to resume her cries, in an even louder
"Oh god! Oh my god! Oh it's so good... faster! Faster!"
Kelly suddenly yelled so loud that it caused Michelle
to jump.
In all her letters, Kelly had never mentioned that she
was a screamer. Michelle immediately realized that
Kelly couldn't help herself. As the woman beneath her
let out a second equally loud shout, Michelle grabbed
the closest thing at hand off the floor and pushed it
into Kelly's mouth. What it turned out to be was her
own panties, still wet with her anticipation over
Kelly's visit.
"Kelly, you have to quiet down..." she said in her most
commanding tone. "If you can't stop I'll have to leave
that gag in place... either that or we'll have to stop.
If I leave it there, then you can moan as loud as you
want. Do you want me to take it out and stop?"
Kelly shook her head side to side in a violent motion.
No matter what it took, she wanted Michelle to keep on
Assuming the classic missionary position, Michelle took
hold of the large rod dangling between her legs and
positioned it at the entrance of Kelly's now very
lubricated pussy. She pushed forward ever so slightly,
opening wide the folds of her womanhood.
Kelly let out a grunt that was heard even through her
makeshift gag. She was far from a virgin having lost
that distinction some 23 years before, but she had
never ever taken anything that big inside her before.
Michelle looked up from her view of the cockhead
disappearing inside Kelly's pussy at the sound. She
looked into Kelly's brown eyes to see if she wanted her
to stop. It only took a second for Kelly to bob her
head up and down for Michelle to continue.
Over the next several minutes, Michelle slowly entered
and re-entered Kelly, measuring the force of her
thrusts with the display of discomfort shown on the
businesswoman's face. She really didn't want to hurt
her and was relieved when her facial expression changed
from one of determined acceptance to one of enjoyment.
If the blonde haired woman needed any other
encouragement, she felt Kelly's hands against her ass,
pushing her inside her.
Now freed from that worry, Michelle began to pump away
in earnest. Faster and faster she thrust, driving
almost the full length of her fake cock into her lover.
The pressure of the small protrusion on the underside
of the rubber that caressed her own clit, sending
oscillating waves through her own form. Thus each
powerful stroke was felt by both women.
Michelle had started with the missionary position
because it was the easiest for entry. Now to was time
to just really have fun. She pulled out of Kelly and
barked out an order that would've made her instructor
back in basic training proud.
"Get on all fours!" She commanded.
So wrapped up in the wonderful feeling she was getting
from Michelle's robust penetrations, Kelly quickly
moved to respond. Without really taking the time to
think about it, she flipped over and assumed the
position, lifting her bottom up into the air as to
invite easy access. She just wanted Michelle back
inside her.
In that she wasn't disappointed. Michelle grabbed her
legs and spread them even wider. Then with a lust
filled thrust, rammed the cock back inside her. Harder
and harder she pushed, taking both of them to the
heights of passion.
Both women could feel the rising explosion that would
consume them both. Kelly was more than content to just
lie there and await it, but Michelle was determined to
meet it head-on.
Pushing Kelly's head to the floor, Michelle straddled
her, planted her cock ever deeper with each effort. Now
it was Michelle who was grunting ever louder as sweat
poured from her pores and her breasts bounced back and
forth. Kelly was totally pinned, she tried to shift to
a more comfortable position was helpless against the
younger woman's strength.
It was Kelly who erupted first. Michelle could feel her
pussy contract around the fake cock as she pulled and
pushed it in with a single fluid motion. Her own orgasm
followed two strokes later.
They collapsed upon each other, drenched in a
combination of sweat, sex and exhaustion. They just
laid there for about ten minutes, trading soft touches
and little kisses.
The clock on the wall told them that Kelly's plane left
in less than forty minutes. They had to get cleaned up.
Reluctantly they lifted themselves off the floor and
kissed one more time.
Standing naked a few feet from each other, they laughed
at the sign of each other. Neither resembled the woman
who walked into the room a short time before.
Thankfully, the makeshift apartment had a shower large
enough for two and it wasn't long before they had
washed each other clean. Time was now the enemy as they
dressed and gathered their things. Since Michelle had a
change of underwear in her bag, Kelly asked to keep the
ones that had served as her gag as a souvenir. She
quickly shoved them into her jacket's side pocket.
They had to race down the corridor to make the last
call for the flight. Flashing an id given to her by the
Security Chief, Michelle went with Kelly all the way to
the plane. Kelly suddenly pulled her to a stop just a
few feet from the cabin door. Quickly looking right and
left to make sure they were alone, she leaned forward
and kissed her. It was a brief but satisfying kiss.
"I love you," Kelly whispered before she turned and ran
into to plane, afraid that if she waited any longer she
might not get on.
Michelle watched as the attendant secured the cabin
door behind her. Her eyes searched the small windows as
the plane pulled away for some sign of her - to no
avail. Before turning and heading back down the
passageway, she whispered to herself.
"I love you too."
Kelly felt both happy and sad as the plane pulled up
and into the sky. Happy at what Michelle and she had
shared, it was an experience she would always remember.
Sad at the knowledge that it would never be repeated.
They were of two different worlds and neither would
give up their world to live in the others. They would
always remain friends. That, and the memory, would be
Three days later, Michelle got her first email from
Kelly since they had met. She agreed with Kelly's
assessment of their relationship. It was enough that
they'd had that moment in time. As she got to the
bottom of the letter she burst into laughter, "...and
the client in San Diego couldn't believe how relaxed I
was after traveling cross-country the day before.
By the way, you'll never believe what happened while I
was away. They fired Janice Zimmerman. It seems that
all the while she was saving the company those nickels
and dimes, she was diverting the nickels to her own
personal account. They're even thinking of pressing
charges against her. I almost feel sorry for her, after
all, it was because of her the trip turned out like it
did. Think I should send her a thank you card.
Love Always,